Unmarketing By Scott Stratten – A Great Read
Recently, I purchased this book from Popular book store. And as you know me, I don’t really give credits to the books I buy unless I find them really good and worth reading. So.. I just want to say that this book by Scott Stratten, Unmarketing is a great read.
There are pros and cons to the book, but whats really important is the philosophy that is being driven by this book. As the sub head goes “Stop Marketing, Start Engaging“, this book really is about connecting with your customers and clients, so as to build trust and foster relationship.
The whole logic is pretty simple. People buy from who they trust and like. You as a business owner, should position as such in their mind. You want to be there to show that they matter… and at the same time, respect and trust you as an authority.
The industry of selling has changed. People have become smarter through education and of course, experience. So.. direct shoving in the face marketing.. isn’t as popular as it once was.
Back in 2009, before the “birth” of social media specialist, I guess I was one of the very first person to use conversational marketing to engage my customers… and back then, nobody talks about “social media”.

I was able to pull in over $150,000 nett using this “engaging” strategy – using a startup capital of just US$67 to set up the entire platform. In a way, I am a true believer in “engaging” customers because it has worked for me and is align with my belief system.
Yes… 6 figure profit from with just less than $67 in start up cost. Thats how powerful engaging marketing is. You can see the comment screenshot above on how engaging I was.
There are pros and cons to the book Unmarketing however.
The pros is that there are quite a few examples and case study you can refer and adopt the strategy from. In that, I think Scott did pretty well in the illustration.
This book uses a lot of examples with twitter, and how businesses can use twitter to engage their customers. In fact, I think Scott is a twitter fanatic lolz.
The only thing I find that the book lacks, is the “how to” to using twitter. While the book does stress how to use them in a broad overview, it does not teach the reader the step-by-step set up process and the technicality behind the usage of various mediums.
Then again, this book is not about the how to, but rather, the principles of “Unmarketing” and various real life examples that you can copy and model after for your business.
If after reading the book, you find that it is applicable to your business, I am sure you can find someone to help set up the technicals. In fact, I personally think that after reading this book, it’ll change the way you think about strategizing your business. =)
You can buy the book from amazon here – Unmarketing by Scott Stratten