Another Passive Dividend Cheque
Because I am a “late” comer in opening up central depositary (CDP) account, most of my dividends from my investments are direct credits. In other words, I don’t have that “pleasing moment” of getting dividend cheques in the mail box. I mean.. come on, lets be real… what better feeling is there when you open up your mail box and the ‘passive income’ from the companies you invested in.
Of course it would be more troublesome because you still need to go down to the bank to deposit them whereas in a direct credit method, its usually hassle free. But seriously.. I wouldn’t mind depositing cheques. =)
However, recently I received 2 dividend cheques from companies that I invested outside Singapore. One in Malaysia, and the other, in Hong Kong.
Because of this, there is no direct deposit because of the difference in currency, thus, giving me a chance to experience this “pleasure” of getting cheques from my mail box.
When you invest in good companies, you get “paid” to hold them while their share price continues to move towards their intrinsic value. Its a much better way to getting your money working hard for you.