Million Dollar Mastermind In Toronto
This year (2014) is a year of connection. I flew to Toronto to attend a Mastermind hosted by Com Mirza. And in case you don’t know who this guy is, well… he is a serial entrepreneur who is making quite a bit of a scene recently in the IM space.
For a start, he’s been speaking at Greg Davis aka Mr 50K a day event Affiliate Millionaires, and Anik Singal’s Inbox live and has also spoken in TedX. To keep the long story short, he’s worth about $500,000,000 at this time of writing – Yes, $500 Million.
The Mastermind itself consists of a few other “Ninjas” like super affiliate Eric Chen and Roger Dagenais. I have nothing but good stuff to say about this 2 brilliant guys >>
Roger owns a business that nets his company about $3 Million every year… and he does that by just selling through webinars. Eric is a super affiliate who does about a million each year… without a team. Yes… a one man show and he is going to hit 2 million this year as we speak (well, after the mastermind… he’s went on to do some other stuff and nailed some JVs with Roger.
This Mastermind also gives me the chance to connect with Peter again, my very first IM mentor. To be honest, I am really just super impressed with him and he has like what, 70 Outsourcers under his payroll and he’s doing what… like 100K a day on FB alone. Crazy numbers.
Without going into all the details, I’d like to share some important things with you on what I took away from the Mastermind.
1) Plan a Set of Routines
Successful people thrives on systems. You need to have a systematic routine and know what you need to do every single day to reach your goals. You need to have them planned out so that you can squeeze in time to work on your business every single day.
Though it seemed simple, it’s actually does make a lot of sense. First, success comes from hard work, you can’t discount that. If you are an affiliate marketer, the more hours you work on your campaigns and the longer you hone your skills, the better you’ll become. So.. the key is, you need to have productive hours. By planning and breaking down what you are going to do, you will accomplish more by following the routine.
Second, because your work and hours are now more productive, you probably can produce more without spending time replying to facebook or whatsapping your friends and watching stupid youtube videos. Time save = More Hours To Work. More Hours To Work = More Chances Of Getting Ahead of Competitors.
Third, with a system, you can duplicate and outsource more effectively so that you can concentrate on what you want to do or what you do best. If you are an employee before, how many hours do you think are wasted at work ? Because there is no system or set of routine to follow, employees can take their time to finish their work as long as its done within their “datelines” or KPI. But what if there is a set of rules or system that every employee today must say, optimize 10 keywords, crank out 1 more campaign before they end their work… will your company be more productive ?
2) The World is Moving into Mobile.
You’ve probably have heard it or you should have by now, realize it. Almost everyone owns a smart phone. If your business is not mobile optimize… you are definitely going to lose out. The fact that mobile is still pretty much the wild wild west right now, just like Google and Facebook before… it presents marketers with lots of opportunities at cheap.
So.. here’s a thinker… how can you optimize your business on mobile… be it lead generation or sales. Be there or at least go read up more about mobile… so that you won’t be lost when the time arrives. Oh… if you are a CPA marketer… I am sure you’ll want to jump onto mobile right now.
3) Facebook Still has Tons of Opportunity Right Now
If you are late in the Facebook game.. don’t fret. Facebook is still pretty much a big big marketing giant and there are still tons of opportunity on Facebook right now. While some rules and restrictions have set in, ie, no more uploading of UIDs and the ban on dating offers on Facebook, the targeting has improved with the introduction of website custom audience which allows you to re-engage with your customers for some really cheap clicks.
Ok, I’ll just share an idea you can use.. ie: what if you combine PPV traffic with web custom audience… ? Something for you to think about there =)
While there are a few other things that’s being shared, I think these 3 >> System, Mobile & Facebook is what you should be focusing on to bring your business to the next level.
Some photos I took at the Million Dollar Mastermind: